Saturday, October 6, 2012

Marissa's bubble gum ~ #tweens,#peerpressure

Marissa and Devon looked at different flavors of bubble gum as they walked up to the counter of the local convenience store in their neighborhood.Marissa was allowed to stop by the store one day a week to spend part of her weekly allowance.Devon did not receive an allowance,so Marissa shared her bubble gum with her.They loved blowing bubbles and tried to see who could blow the most enormous bubble.
They saw cherry,watermelon,kiwi fruit,orange,tuti fruiti,coconut,grape,peppermint,ice cream,lime,pineapple,chocolate,and lemon bubble gum.It looks like the store had a new flavor of bubble gum.It was pink lemonade and sugar free.So Marissa bought one package for herself and one for Devon.Marissa's mom told her to eat dinner before she chewed the gum.Devon walked home.A few minutes later Devon called Marissa and told her to bring the gum to school tomorrow.Marissa knew the classroom rules....No chewing gum in class!Afterall,Marissa had an "excellent" in school conduct and following the school rules. She thought about it and agreed to bring the sugar free gum.She had no intention of chewing it in class.Marissa put the gum in her bag that night so that she would not forget to bring it. The next day Marissa sat by Devon in Science class.They had just finished an experiment when Devon pulled Marissa over to the side.Devon put her hand in her jean pocket and pulled out the pink lemonade gum.She told Marissa that the teacher would not care if they chewed the gum.Marissa said,"no!" Devon looked around to see if the teacher was watching.Then she slipped the square of gum into her mouth.She was careful that no one noticed.Marissa told her that she was going to get caught. Class was almost over.Devon still had the bubble gum in her mouth and kept telling Marissa to chew her gum. Marissa gave in and took it out of her bag.She slowly lifted the gum to her mouth.Then it happened!The teacher looked up at that exact second to ask Marissa for her worksheet.The teacher asked,"What is that in your mouth,Marissa?" Marissa had to confess."It's gum." Her teacher was disappointed and told Marissa that she took 10 points off of her conduct for the 9 weeks. Gosh! Marissa was angry with herself.She knew the rules and still listened to her friend......Now she had a spot on her perfect conduct grade. Blah! "never again, I will used my brain and think before I act!", she promised herself. Pick sweet friends, Marie

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